Explain Network Attached Storage Features, NAS 

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Network Attached Storage (NAS) Explained

What does network attached storage do?

Network-attached storage is a hard disk storage system - including RAID configuration, with its own LAN IP address rather than being attached to the department computer that is serving applications to a network's workstation users. It has it's own software for configuring and mapping file locations to the network attached devices. A NAS can be included as part of a more comprehensive solution like SAN.

As these devices have an IP address they can be accessed directly rather than through an intermediary.

In a NAS because the storage resides separate to the server applications files are served faster as they aren't competing for the same resources. 

Another advantage with Network Attached Storage is that even in environments where you have different servers with different operating systems the storage, management and the backup of the data can be centralised.

Some of the big advantages of NAS include it's expandability. It's easy to add extra storage. NAS also brings an extra level of fault tolerance to the network as you can include mirror RAID features.

More on RAID



What is Network Attached Storage?

NAS-SAN comparisons



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Last updated: Jan, 2007